Last updated March 16, 2022
As PDI continues to monitor the ongoing Ukraine-Russia crisis, we plan to provide you with timely industry updates and resources so you can better manage the potential impacts on your business. From helping you understand how to avoid cyberthreats to navigating the risks associated with fuel supply chain disruptions, we’re focused on delivering tangible insights to keep your operations running as smoothly as possible.
Start with these resources:
“Impacts of the Ukraine-Russia Crisis Discussion” video
Join Chris Berry, Tom Callahan, and Patrick De Haan as they address recent cybersecurity and fuel price concerns and how they could impact your business.
Watch the video here:
“Fuel Price Outlook” webinar from GasBuddy, a PDI Company
Hear from GasBuddy’s Patrick De Haan as he covers the 2022 gasoline forecast and shares his perspective on fuel pricing trends and the continued uncertainty in the marketplace.
Watch the video.
“Geopolitical Tensions Increase Cyber Risks” article from NACS
PDI Chief Security Officer Mark Carl explains why the increased risk of cyberattacks threatens to disrupt the global fuel supply infrastructure. He also shares five ways to protect your convenience retail operations.
Read the article.
“How Will Gas Prices Be Affected by the Ukraine-Russia Conflict” news conference from GasBuddy, a PDI Company
GasBuddy’s Patrick DeHaan discusses the immediate and possible long-term repercussions on fuel prices resulting from the supply chain instability in Eastern Europe. He also answers questions on the anticipated global, regional, and local impacts an extended crisis could cause.
Watch the video.
“Top Cybersecurity Trends for 2022” PDI blog post
Many market conditions have already been fluctuating in 2022, but concerns about cybersecurity only continue to rise. Get insights from Chris Berry, PDI CTO and GM of Security and Platform, on what to expect throughout 2022 as ransomware and other sophisticated cyberattacks continue to escalate.
Read the blog post.
“Cybersecurity Solutions Overview” video
To help you understand how ransomware and other cyberattacks can disrupt your business, this short video describes where your business might be vulnerable and how you can add the necessary security measures to protect it.
Watch the video.
“How to Strengthen Your Cybersecurity Posture” webinar
A wide range of internal and external factors can significantly alter how vulnerable your business might be on any given day. Watch as PDI cybersecurity experts cover some of the most common threats and offer advice on how to avoid them.
View the webinar.
While no vendor or solution can provide a 100% guarantee, PDI remains dedicated to protecting your business, your employees, and your customers against new and ongoing threats.
Be sure to check this blog for the latest updates.