Providing Real-Time Delivery Information
Rick Wenzel Oil deployed the PDI Propane and Commercial Fueling In-Truck solution to:
- Reduce paper-based processes
- Streamline fuel routing and deliveries
- Improve the standard of customer service
Business Challenges
- Complexity in keeping drivers updated on delivery schedules
- Inefficient paper-driven processes that were resource-intensive and subject to error
Solution Overview – PDI Propane and Commercial Fueling
To help reduce costs, boost your team’s productivity, and elevate your customer service, turn to PDI Propane and Commercial Fueling solutions (heritage Blue Cow Software Ignite products). Our propane and fuel oil enterprise solutions can help you simplify your operations with a single source of truth everyone on your team can rely on.
Read more about PDI Propane and Commercial Fueling
Drivers now receive real-time delivery schedule updates in the field, optimizing time and resources while reducing waste and costs.
Customer Results
- Modernized business operations with best-in-class software
- Improved delivery success rates and customer satisfaction
- Reduced vehicle and driver time on the road
“I find that the workflow with the PDI in-truck solution [formerly Ignite Mobile] has made my daily work much easier and has saved lots of time.”
– Jeff Wenzel, Rick Wenzel Oil
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