Service Level Agreements
PDI POS and PDI Back & Home Office
Service Levels Addendum
The terms set forth in this PDI POS and PDI Back & Home Office Service Levels Addendum are applicable to PDI POS and PDI Back & Home Office solutions provided by PDI pursuant to this Addendum.
1. Definitions. The terms below have the following meanings when used in this Addendum.
a. “First-Line Support” means the first contact point that the customer has with PDI and this support team field calls, emails and online case submissions (PDI Connections) directly from the customer sites.
b. “Break/fix Support” means support that is provided to fix something that was previously installed and working but is now no longer operating as it was when it was implemented or intended. Break/fix support does not include changes and updates to configuration that “enhances” the product or changes how it was initial implemented, these are typical “Change Requests” and would follow the Change Request process.
c. “Base Case” when the issue that has been identified are “caused by” or there is “a fault with” any POS standard product or with a PDI supporting system.
d. “Extended Case” when the issue that has been identified are NOT “caused by” or there is not a fault with a the PDI product of supporting systems – typically the cause of these issues resides with Customer systems or a third-party supplier system. These cases may result in additional support costs to the Customer.
e. “Entitled Component” This is a component that is provided by PDI and supported as part of the contract – these include but are not limited to POS, site controller, EFT.
2. PDI Helpdesk Support Services.
a. Support Services Generally. PDI shall provide the following Support Services to Customer for any PDI POS and PDI Back & Home Office solutions provided to Customer pursuant to this Addendum. The primary aim of PDI Helpdesk Support is to provide remote Break/fix Support to the Customer, to resolve issues, clarify enquiries, and to provide information related to PDI’s Products. Access to PDI Helpdesk Support is included in the Customer’s Support Services fee, unless stated otherwise in your Master Customer Agreement or Order Form.
b. Support Services Users. PDI recommends that designated, experienced users make support requests. PDI requires that system/service issues be processed through an internal support group or helpdesk before a PDI Helpdesk Support request is made. All users need to be authorized for case logging prior to making a support request. As part of onboarding, Customer will have an account administrator/s setup who will be trained on how to manage users in PDI Connections. Login and contact details will be supplied prior to the go-live of the system.
c. Base Case. PDI will provide First-Line Support to the Customer for the Supported Products. The PDI Helpdesk support team shall serve as the “Single Point of Contact” for site users or a Customer assigned triage team to receive fault and error messages and incident information via telephone, email and via the PDI Connections On-line portal. The Helpdesk Support shall provide the communication channels, process enquiries, and provide information concerning incidents already resolved, known workarounds or the status of enquiries.
d. Extended Case. PDI Helpdesk Support covers base level support for Customers as part of the subscription, which covers issues that have been identified are “caused by” or there is “a fault with” any POS standard product or with a PDI supporting system. PDI Helpdesk Support also covers extended level support where the issue that has been identified are NOT “caused by” or there is not a fault with a the PDI product of supporting systems – typically the cause of these issues resides with Customer systems or a third-party supplier system. Extended Cases may incur additional support costs to the Customer as set out in PDI Services Policy or as agreed from time to time.
e. Before Initiating a Support Request. Looking for an answer? Consult PDI’s website, PDI Connections, before initiating a support request. This site includes PDI Search, online knowledge base, and online documentation such as user’s guides, reference guides, training material, and release notes. Using these resources can often resolve common questions and issues without a support request.
f. Remote Connection Options. PDI support analyst may need to access Customer’s system remotely while resolving a support request. This access may require user credentials or permission to take control of Customer representatives’ system to perform work. The analyst will follow Customer’s protocol before connecting to the system. Multiple remote connection options are supported, but additional charges may be incurred if the Customer does not support remote connection options.
g. How to Make a PDI Support Request. The primary and most efficient way to make a support request is through PDI Connections. Phone support is included as standard. Whilst email is available, PDI Connections is the preferred method to raise Support requests.
h. Case Priorities. Upon raising a case the Customer assigns a case priority, based on their assessment of the impact and urgency of the issue. Support analysts use case priorities to help determine the order of precedence for managing their workload. The case owner will discuss the case priority with the Customer to ensure the impact and urgency of the issue are understood. The case priority may change during the lifecycle of the case and typically upon the initial triage of the case.
3. In Region Support Hours. PDI’s in region support hours based on priority level are as show below, based on Customer’s region. Helpdesk Support requests received during business hours are logged, reviewed, and assigned to the best possible support analyst based on knowledge and availability. Support requests received after hours, on weekends, or during holidays other than those with an urgency of “P1 – System Down” are logged and assigned on the following business day. Cases with a P1 urgency must be logged directly by phone or on PDI Connections.
Priority | EMEA Region | APAC Region | Americas Region |
P1 Support Hours | 24 hours a day 365 days a year | 24 hours a day 365 days a year | 24 hours a day 365 days a year |
P2 Support Hours | 7:00am – 11:00pm Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) Monday to Saturday (Except Public Holidays) | 7:00am – 11:00pm Malaysia Time (MYT) Monday to Saturday (Except Public Holidays) | 7:00am – 11:00pm Eastern Time (ET) Monday to Saturday (Except Public Holidays) |
P3-P4 Support Hours | 7:00am – 5:00pm Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) Monday to Friday (Except Public Holidays) | 7:00am – 5:00pm Malaysia Time (MYT) Monday to Friday (Except Public Holidays) | 7:00am – 5:00pm Eastern Time (ET) Monday to Friday (except Public Holidays) |
4. Priority Definitions.
(1) “Priority 1” shall mean a major fault leading to an incidence of high significance which has serious impact to the Customer’s business and where no workaround is possible. It requires an immediate resolution or workaround. This includes (but is not limited to):
(a) any incident which results in the loss of the system and the inability of a site to trade with customers;
(b) Forecourt communications to all POS down;
(c) Inability to process electronic payments (bank card payments on all EFT devices);
(d) Inability to process electronic orders;
(e) As a result of the following issues with Fiscal Printers:
(i) Not Printing Fiscal Receipts
(ii) Only one Fiscal Printer at Site
(f) Inability to complete a sales transaction on all POS (i.e. no POS’s are working);
(g) As a result of a problem with an Entitled Component;
(h) More than 50% of the numbers of fuel pumps are down;
(i) More than 50% of pumps have a tagging failure (ability to enable pumps); or any one grade of fuels is unavailable due to a PDI software issue;
(j) More than 50% of fuel POS devices are non-functional;
(k) More than 50% of total numbers of POS devices are non-functional;
(l) Inability to process Vehicle Identification Device (VID) transactions (e.g., OTI);
(m) Inability to affect a fuel price change in a regulated fuel pricing market; or
(n) A critical issue impacting more than 50% of the retail sites in a country or impacting multiple countries. The priority can be lowered for a given incident upon mutual agreement by both parties.
(2) “Priority 2” shall mean a significant fault with no workaround possible. Affects the Customer’s business, degrading the system in part and which will cause significant operational difficulties if not resolved promptly but which does not stop the site from trading with customers, which could include (but is not limited to):
As a result of a failure with an Entitled Component:
(a) 50% or less of the forecourt is down e.g., 3 out of the 7 pumps are down
(b) Less than half of the tagging is down
(c) Single-fuel product dispenser not functional (e.g. dispenser that dispenses one product)
(d) Inability to process payment transactions
(e) Inability to affect a fuel price change in a non-regulated fuel pricing market
(f) Errors with fuel transactions (e.g., unable to prepay a pump, unable to fuel a prepaid pump, missing fuel sales, duplicated fuel sales, etc.)
(g) Incorrect retail selling prices
(h) Incorrect taxes
(i) Inability to close a shift or end of day, which is preventing the start of new shift/ trading day
(j) Inability to run a month-end, end-of-shift and/or day-end report
(k) Incorrect service modes on pumps (e.g., self-service when pumps are intended for full-service)
(l) Inability to access or view all reports
(m) Till Replication failure e.g. information on back-office not getting to POS or vice-versa
(n) Secondary POS non-functional (excluding main POS) – Secondary POS is any POS on site that is not POS 1
(o) Unique control number missing for one or more sites
(p) Items scanning on HHT (handheld terminal) but not showing on the POS and BOS
(q) Additional or missing zeros in barcodes prevent products to be scanned in POS and HHT
(r) OPT app is not functioning (e.g., unable to authorise pump, red screen, spinning wheel, etc.)
(s) Synchronization failure (e.g. dates appearing as 1999)
(3) “Priority 3” means a minor fault, which does not significantly affect the daily operation of the Customer’s business for which a workaround has not been found, for example:
(a) Request for advice or for access to an IT service that is not self-managed e.g. account locked and dealer requests password reset
(b) Reconciliation issues
(c) Implement a configuration change to on the supported software to resolve something that was previously working and is now broken and needs to be fixed, any configuration change to enable a new feature or enhancement would be a “Change Request”
(d) Inability to view any report, footage requests, receipts, journal reprints, payment and transaction enquiries
(4) “Priority 4” means a minor fault that does not significantly impact the daily operation of the Customer’s business for which a workaround has been found which is acceptable to the Customer.
(a) Informational request or question
(b) Documentation request
(c) Providing access to services to a new member of staff
(d) Product questions
(e) No risk to other functionality or service
(f) Preventative alerting generated through PDI monitoring systems
5. Escalation.
a. Escalation Process. First-Line Support to Customers will be provided by PDI Helpdesk Support. If the PDI Helpdesk Support is unable to provide a resolution or workaround, they will escalate the problem internally within PDI Helpdesk Support providing all details relating to the incident (including details of First-Line Support triage). Customer and PDI shall regularly liaise on call types and issues to reduce duplication and reduce instances of a specific call type.
b. Escalation Process for P1 (Critical) Incidents. In the event of a system wide outage, PDI communication strategy will be to issue a technical bulletin to the Customer for awareness and send follow up communications on a regular cadence until resolution. If the Customer initiates a P1 case for support and it’s not a technical bulletin-type issue, then PDI will work directly with the Customer contact on the case until resolution. PDI shall provide updates every 30 minutes unless the issue/research/troubleshooting calls for a different cadence (shorter or longer) which is subsequently agreed by the Customer and PDI.
6. Exclusions. PDI POS Solutions Support are not responsible for the following: (these can be scoped and quoted by PDI upon request)
a. Performance of any file backup or restoration processes;
b. Maintenance of EPOS hardware and peripherals;
c. Data and system housekeeping;
d. Network cabling on site, including Internet connection and cabling between the site controller and the PPDM;
e. Faults occurring because of operator error;
f. Data migration;
g. Bespoke modifications and alterations to the Supported Products or training;
h. Additional configuration & PLU Changes;
i. Fixing errors in data, resulting from incorrect data entry or incorrect usage of the system by the Customer or data corruption;
j. Errors caused by network or communication issues;
k. Relocation / Installation or changes to the network or infrastructure;
l. Installation of new systems;
m. Repair & fault resolution of 3rd party equipment & software;
n. Repair and fault resolution of software or data corruption caused by 3rd party equipment or software including but not limited to:
i. Anti-Virus Software
ii. Firewall
iii. Windows Operating System
iv. Third party database tools
PDI may pass calls relating to the exclusions to the Customer’s nominated helpdesk for resolution.
PDI will take all reasonable steps to diagnose whether a problem is deemed as a PDI or 3rd party fault as per the exclusions before passing these calls back to the Customer’s nominated helpdesk for resolution.
PDI are not responsible for faults relating to whichever 3rd party EFT system is in use including its related cabling unless the fault is deemed to lie with the POS system itself. If this is the case the SLA’s outlined above will be adhered to.
7. Customer obligations.
a. Customers must consult with PDI before performing any upgrades on any third-party software required to run the PDI Products. Customers must ensure PDI Product versions are kept updated as reasonably possible.
b. PDI shall not be required to provide Support Services relating to problems or issues arising from third-party software or under and of the following conditions: (i) modified or abnormal operating conditions; (2) Customer’s use of PDI Products in a manner for which it was not designed; (3) Customer’s negligence, misuse or modification of the PDI Products or its configuration (including SQL); (4) Systems that do not meet the specifications or configurations, if any, specified by PDI; (5) effects of external systems (network, data feeds, shared/virtual hardware, other products), (6) Customer failure to keep current with backups, virus protection, operating system/database patches, or other IT best practices; (7) accessing the Software or data except through the official APIs, supported FTPs, or any other means specifically agreed between PDI and Customer.
8. Support Service Levels. PDI shall provide the Helpdesk Software Support in accordance with the Service Levels set out below.
Priority | Impact | Hours of Operation | Response Time | Resolution/Workaround |
P1 (Critical) | System Outage Service Outage that causes severe disruption to business continuity Essential product functionality is inoperable Potential significant data loss Communication between critical parts of the solution not working for multiple users/solution modules | 24hrs x 7 days per week x 365 days a year | Immediate (up to 15 minutes) | 6 Hours |
P2 (Urgent) | Issue substantially impacts production Functionality with no work around Isolated critical parts of the system (including care functionality and interfaces) not functional Critical issues limited to single user issues General product functionality issues with a known workaround Development issues | Monday to Saturday 07:00 until 23:00 (24hrs x 7 days available at additional cost) | Up to 30 minutes | 1 Business Day (up to 12 business hours) |
P3 (Important) | Appropriate for single user issues General product functionality issues Development issues | Monday to Friday 07:00 until 17:00 (24hrs x 7 days available at additional cost) | Up to 1 hour | 3 Business Day (up to 36 business hours) |
P4 (Low) | Information/Request Documentation No risk to other functionality or service | Monday to Friday 07:00 until 17:00 (24hrs x 7 days available at additional cost) | Up to 1 day | 5 Business Day (up to 60 business hours) |
a. Service levels apply to Base Cases, Extended Cases are not included in the measurement.
b. Resolution times are dependent on the ability to replicate logged faults. If the priority of a call is changed (e.g. if a workaround has been supplied) then although the call remains open the new resolution target time starts from when the priority was re-allocated – this is also true if the priority is increased.
c. Service level times can only be considered where other factors do not have a direct impact on resolution times; examples include, but are not limited to: (1) availability of a communication channel to site (voice and online), (2) network issues at site preventing remote connectivity from PDI, (3) delays in permission to connect to the estate, power failures, etc., (4) language barriers, (5) insufficient information provided by first line support, (6) delay in provision of information from the end user or the first line support team, (7) incorrectly logging the incident or logging with missing data, (8) misuse, incorrect use of or damage to the Supported Software from whatever cause (other than any act or omission by the Supplier), including failure or fluctuation of electrical power, (9) failure to comply with the Customer’s obligations whether under clause Customer Obligations or otherwise, (10) failure to maintain the necessary environmental conditions for use of the Supported Software, (11) use of the Supported Software in combination with any equipment or software not provided by the Supplier or not designated by the Supplier for use with the Software, or any fault in any such equipment or software, (12) relocation or installation of the Supported Software by any person other than PDI or a person acting under PDI’s instructions, (13) any modification not authorised by PDI, or operator error, (14) the Resolution/Workaround time applies to circumstances where no engineering fix is required or if an engineering fix is, (15) needed the resolution will be in the form of a workaround until a fix can be provided, (16) PDI shall also have no obligation to provide the PDI Helpdesk Support Service where the Customer has used a third-party software support provider to provide services similar to the PDI Helpdesk Support Service.
d. The Resolution/Workaround time applies to circumstances where no engineering fix is required or if an engineering fix is needed the resolution will be in the form of a workaround until a fix can be provided.
9. SaaS Availability Service Levels.
a. Definitions.
i. “Availability” shall mean the portion (in percentage terms) of Uptime that the Cloud Services are Available for Use (as defined below).
ii. “Available for Use” shall mean that features of the Cloud Services are capable of sending and receiving data to and from the Internet.
iii. “Scheduled Downtime” shall mean the total minutes during the year represented by the Scheduled Maintenance Window.
iv. “Service Level Period” means 24×7: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
v. “Time Unavailable” shall mean any period of time during the applicable Service Level Period that the Cloud Services are not Available for Use, except for the Exclusions set forth below.
vi. “Uptime” shall mean the total minutes during the year less the total minutes represented by the Scheduled Downtime.
b. SaaS Availability. Beginning on the date on which Customer’s access to the SaaS commences, PDI will provide no less than ninety-nine-point five percent (99.5%) Availability of the SaaS, as calculated on an annual basis, as shown below, subject to the Exclusions below.
% Availability = (Uptime – Time Unavailable) / Uptime
Uptime = (Total Time (24/7)) – (Scheduled Maintenance Windows)
c. Time Unavailable – Exclusions. Time Unavailable shall not include the aggregate amount of time during which the SaaS is not Available for Use due to:
i. Scheduled maintenance, provided that such scheduled maintenance occurs during scheduled maintenance windows, between the hours of Friday 10:00 pm and Sunday 11:00 pm of the applicable region time zone as specified in Section 3 (the “Scheduled Maintenance Window”);
ii. Emergency maintenance – PDI may perform any reasonably required, emergency maintenance work outside of the Scheduled Maintenance Window with one (1) hour prior electronic mail or other notice to Customer;
iii. Interruptions in third party networks that prevent Internet users from accessing the SaaS, provided that the data centre is served by redundant connections to the internet from multiple internet service providers.
iv. Scheduled or emergency maintenance performed by the infrastructure provider.
d. Reporting. PDI will provide standard reporting as it relates to SLA attainment, case data and project commitments. Requests for information that requires additional time and resources may be available at additional cost.
10. General Exclusions. General Exclusions to the Support Services and Services Levels provided under this Addendum include, without limitation:
a. Any obligation or requirement not expressly set out in this Addendum
b. Performance of any file backup or restoration processes
c. Data and system housekeeping
d. Faults occurring as a result of operator error
e. Data migration
f. Bespoke modifications and alterations to the Supported Software or System Consultancy Services or training
g. Additional configuration & PLU Changes
h. Fixing errors in data, resulting from incorrect data entry or incorrect usage of the system by the end user or data corruption
i. Errors caused by network or communication issues
j. Relocation / Installation or changes to the network or infrastructure
k. Installation of new systems
l. Support for any hardware
m. Support for any software not provided by PDI
n. Repair and fault resolution of software or data corruption caused by 3rd party equipment or software including but not limited to:
i. Anti-Virus Software
ii. Firewall
iii. Windows Operating System
iv. Third party database tools
v. On-site support
vi. Modifications not authorised by the Supplier
vii. Any support for server environments
viii. Support for the forecourt controller
ix. Direct communications with the site/end user unless accompanied by the first line support team where a Priority 1 support call requires direct communication.